May in Photos.

May is a special month here between winter and summer. The nature is waking up, it is raining, snowing, shining. People start to work in their yards digging , planting and normally we hear the first lawnmovers singing at the end of May.

Sometimes we have to work hard to achieve our goals. My hubby opening the forest way.
Planting summer flowers.
The yard is suddenly full of blossoms.
One morning we woke up in a white world. Nightfrost killed all the summer flowers we planted.
Snow melted away, and we got huge hails.
Pidgeons are sitting on our tv-antenna and using it as a toilet, so hubby must climb up there and wash all the poop away.
All the pollinators arrive.

Because of the corona virus, even the lookout tower was closed.
The cherry trees in the yard are in full bloom.

A Wall Made by Giants.

We spent one of these most beautiful and warm days visiting Lauhanvuori National Park to see this amazing Giants´wall. This largest stone field is called Kivijata, Stone Chain. It is 800 metres long and over one kilometre in height.

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In Lauhanvuori, crustal upheavals lifted sandstone from the shore, forming a mountain of over one kilometre in height, which eroded to its current height over time. The erosion left its traces, such as tors, in the area.

More information

Hiking over the stone field is only allowed on the duckboards.

A coffee break, because we are Finns, we drink coffee all the time and everywhere.

At the time of Covid-19 virus this National Park was really quiet, we saw less than ten people during our three hour visit.

Liebster Award!

Liebster Award

Amy  from Xena and Lucy nominated me for this award,  and she wrote “I learn so much about the wildlife and landscape of Finland with the help of gorgeous photos. And Kosmo the tuxedo cat has a not-so-secret crush on our Lucy dog. She’s flattered.”

Thank you Amy!

Kosmo after seeing Lucy´s photo for the first time.

IMG_0247 Kosmo after seening Lucy


Rules to the Liebster Blogger awards:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and give them a big hug give them a link to the blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions given to you or at least most of them
  3. Share 11 or so facts about yourself
  4. Nominate between 5-11 other bloggers
  5. Ask your nominees 11 or so questions
  6. Notify your nominees once you’ve uploaded your post

Amy´s questions :

1 Why do you blog?

At the beginning, fall 2015, I just thought, people around the world don´t know much of our special country, and our four season, light nights at summer, polar night, kaamos in Finnish, at wintertime. The reason to blog was just to show photos of our country. So I started to write in English everybody could understand. I hadn´t  any idea what will happen! This blog doesn´t have thousands of followers, but I have new friends around the world. One thing is connecting us, love for the nature, and, of course, our pets.

Betlehemin tähtikö



2 Blue jeans or formal wear? Cake or a health bar? Why?

Blue jeans or formal wear, both, depending where I am. I will eat at first the whole cake and after that I regret eating the whole cake and then I will a health bar.

3 If you could have one (more) animal live with you, what would it be and why?

I would like to give forever home for every animal without home. Because it is a little bit difficult I could have a cat friend for Kosmo, a snow leopard for my husband, and a talking and dancing parrot for me.

4 What do you feel are your greatest talents?

My greatest talents, I don´t have great talents, but I learn very easily languages, and it is also one of my hobbies. I speak Finnish, Swedish and English . I can manage with French and German, I can read and write Russian, the cyrillic alfabet, but my vocabulary is small, Hebrew I speak, but don´t read or write, and I know basics of Spanish, and of Finnish sign language.

5 If you could be any age, what would it be and why?

Difficult to say, when I was young enjoyed being healthy, now when elderly, with decayd body, I have lots of knowledge, experience of life. I would like to unite these both.

6 If there was one thing you could go back and do differently, what would it be?

I would go back to school, back to a university and I would study more than I did.

My questions:

I will use Amy´s questions, because they are great.

1 Why do you blog?

2 Blue jeans or formal wear? Cake or a health bar? Why?

3 If you could have one (more) animal live with you, what would it be and why?

4 What do you feel are your greatest talents?

5 If you could be any age, what would it be and why?

6 If there was one thing you could go back and do differently, what would it be?

 The nominees for Liebster Blogger are:

1 Teddy and his mom Pam from

2 Evil Squirrel’s Nest

3 arlingwords

4 Easy Blog


Thank you, Amy, for this award.




“Real Neat Blog Award” to our blog!


Purrseidon nominated our blog for the Real Neat Blog Award.

Thank you, Purrseidon!

What a surprise it was for our tiny blog!

The rules of the Real Neat Blog Award:

1. Put the Award logo on your blog.

2. Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

3. Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.

4. Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs; and asking them seven questions.

5. Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

IMG_9766 Kosmo istuu

Purrseidon asked these questions, and Kristiina, Kosmo´s mom, is answering, because she has not told much of herself. Kosmo, in the photo, is helping her.

1. Where do most visits to your blog come from?

The most visits come from the United States of America.

2. What is your favorite sport?

I have never been sporty, but I like to walk in the nature, and I like to watch open air games of our national game, pesäpallo, nest ball.

3. What has been a special moment for you so far in 2020?

This is very difficult to answer, because this virustime has made our lives very silent.

4. What is your favorite quote?

If you believe in miracles, you will see them.

5. What was your favourite class when still at school?

My favourite classes were all the languages we had, Finnish, Swedish, English, German and French. They are very important for us, because Finnish is spoken only in Finland.

6. Is there anything you wished you’d learned earlier?

To take photos. When I was a child cameras were not very common, and they were difficult to use, so I started seriously taking photos after buying my first digital camera.

7. What musical instrument have you tried to play?

I have tried many instruments, but a piano is the only one I can play, with one finger.

Now I nominate the following blogs: ( if you don´t want to answer, it´s ok)

My nominees:

The Canadian cats

Xena and Lucy

The Oceanside Animals


Tails Around the Ranch


and anyone else, whos wants to answer these question, some of them are the same Purrseidon asked us, because they were great quetions.

The questions:

1. When you started blog and why?

2.  What is your favourite quote?

3. Have you ever seen snow?

4. What is your favourite bird?

5. Are you musical, are you singing or playing any instrument?

6. What is your favourite hobby, after blogging?

7. Do you live in a city or in rural areas?

Thank you, Purrseidon once more for this award.
